They Will Know Him Through Our Love
Week of Jan 19, 2014
Remember the Faith 5 is 5
simple steps:
1. SHARE highs and lows of the day2. READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible
3. TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows
4. PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world
5. BLESS one another.
Share: Who are
some of the first people who taught you about Jesus and his love for you? Have you ever thanked them? Have each family think of a person who taught
them about Jesus and write them a letter to say thank you! Who is someone you can teach about Jesus…even
for our youngest children, we have a chance to share Jesus with our friends,
our co-workers, the people we come in contact with. How can you share Jesus with one other person
this week?
Thursday-John 13:34-35Friday-Psalm 96:3
Saturday-Romans 8:28
Sunday-Micah 6:8
Monday-Mark 16:15
Tuesday-Isaiah 6:8
Wednesday-1 John 4:7
Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you? How does it apply to you? To how your day has gone?
Pray: For those
preparing for baptism, for those who are lonely, for those who need to learn of
God’s forgiveness
Bless: As a family, place your hands on the head and
shoulders of the person being blessed and say…may your actions proclaim the
love and grace of God, and may you know the love and grace of God more fully as
you share that love with others.
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