Baptism Jan 2014
Week of Jan 12, 2014
This week at Saint
Matthew’s, we are celebrating the Baptism of Jesus, and baptizing one of our
newest members. Baptism is a time when
we are washed clean of our sin, and welcomed into the family of God. When a cross is traced on our foreheads and we
hear the words that we are “marked as a child of God, sealed with the cross of
Christ forever. Our prayer for you in
your Faith 5 time with your family this week is that you can remember that you
too, are one of God’s children. What
difference does that make in your life?
How do you live out your baptism on a daily basis?
Remember the Faith 5 is 5
simple steps:
1. SHARE highs and lows of the day2. READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible
3. TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows
4. PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world
5. BLESS one another.
Share: When and
where were you baptized? Who was
there? What promises were made on your
baptismal day? Look at pictures from
your baptismal day if you were too young to remember….do you still have your
baptismal candle? Might be fun to light
it during one of your Faith 5’s this week!
Thursday-Romans 6:3-4Friday-Matthew 28:19-20
Saturday-Luke 3:22
Sunday-Ephesians 2:8-9
Monday-2 Corinthians 5:17
Tuesday- Romans 6:5
Wednesday-Luke 3:16
Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you? How does it apply to you? To how your day has gone?
Pray: For those
preparing for baptism, for those who are lonely, for those who need to learn of
God’s forgiveness
Bless: Make the sign of the cross on the forehead of the
person being blessed and say “You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, and
marked with the cross of Christ forever”
(you may even want to dip your hand in water before making the cross on
their forehead!)
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