Week of December 13-Hope is on the Way
Week of December 13th, 2015
This Advent at Saint Matthew’s, we are working on
finding ways to slow down and prepare for the coming of Christ. This past week we talked about what we do
while we wait. This coming week, we are
talking about hope…and how to hold on to hope when all things around us seem
dark and fearful. As we enter this
“waiting time” of Advent, our prayers are with you as you spend time in your
Faith 5 this week. May your time together
help your family to remember that God hears your prayers and answers them when
the time is right!
Remember the Faith 5 is 5
simple steps:
1. SHARE highs and lows of the day
2. READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in
your Bible
3. TALK about how the verse relates to your
highs and lows
4. PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and
the world
5. BLESS one another.
Share: What are you
hoping for this Advent season? Where did
you see hope today? What is one way that
you can share hope with others?
Sunday-Psalm 39:7
Monday-Hebrews 10:23
Tuesday-Deuteronomy 31:6
Wednesday-Romans 8:24-25
Thursday-Job 14:7-9
Friday-Jeremiah 29:11
Saturday-Romans 5:2-5
Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you? How does it apply to you? To how your day has gone?
Pray: For those who
are homeless, dealing with addictions, grieving, etc. All those who are in need of
Bless: Make the sign of the cross on the forehead of the
one being blessed and say… “May the God of hope fill you with peace and joy.”
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