Being Content

Week of Sept 25, 2013


This week at Saint Matthew’s, one of the lectionary texts for this weekend talks about being content.   We recognize in the world we live in, it can be difficult to be content.  We find ourselves always comparing ourselves to those around us, trying to measure up.  Who we surround ourselves with can make a big difference in whether or not we are content.  Our prayers are with you as you spend time in your Faith 5 this week.  May your time together move your entire family towards being content to lean on God’s grace.

Remember the Faith 5 is 5 simple steps:
1.  SHARE highs and lows of the day
2.  READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible
3.  TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows
4.  PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world
5.  BLESS one another.

Share:  What made you the happiest today?  What was the challenging part of your day?  Why?  What is one thing you did today to help someone else be happy?  What is one thing someone else did today that helped you to be happier?

Wednesday-Hebrews 13:5
Thursday-Matthew 7:7
Friday-Revelation 21:4
Saturday-Isaiah 40:31
Sunday-Romans 8:28
Monday-Exodus 14:14
Tuesday-Philippians 4:6-7

Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you?  How does it apply to you?  To how your day has gone?

Pray:  For those who are unhappy, for those who are alone, for those who are in need

Bless: Have the person being blessed hold their hands in front of them as if holding an object.  Have each remaining family member place a hand on the persons shoulder or head as you say “May you be happy and content with all God has given you.”


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