Christ the King in All Seasons

Week of Nov 21, 2013

This week at Saint Matthew’s, we are celebrating Christ the King Sunday.  Our worship will be a service of lessons and carols that celebrates each season of the church year.  Our prayer for you in your Faith 5 time with your family this week is that you can live in to the reminder that Jesus carries you through every season of your lives.
Remember the Faith 5 is 5 simple steps:
1.  SHARE highs and lows of the day
2.  READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible 
3.  TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows
4.  PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world
5.  BLESS one another.
Share:  What is your favorite season of the church year?  What was the best part of today?  Where was it hard to remember that Jesus was with you today?
Wednesday-Joshua 1:9
Thursday-Hebrews 13:8
Friday-Romans 8:38-39
Saturday-Psalm 118:24
Sunday-Philippians 3:13-14
Monday-Isaiah 43:1-2
Tuesday-Isaiah 43:18-19

Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you?  How does it apply to you?  To how your day has gone?
Pray:  For those who struggle with the holidays, for those that will become engaged this holiday season, for those who are experiencing their first holidays
Bless: Make the sign of the cross on the forehead of the person being blessed and say: “May you know that Jesus walks with you today and always.”  If you live alone, dip your finger in water, make the sign of the cross on your forehead and say “I am marked as a child of God, today and forever”.
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