Moses-Week of July 17th

Week of July 17th, 2013

Share highs and lows.  Each day gather with your family and share your high and low of the day.  Listen to each other and hear what each person is saying.  If you live alone, journal your highs and lows, or choose a friend or family member that you can call and share them with.

Read the assigned bible verse(s) together. 

Talk about the verse.  How does it relate to the highs and lows? Talk it through as a family…or, if you are a family of one, journal your answer.  Unpack the verse a bit.   What does it mean in your own words? How might it relate to where you are today in your highs and lows?

Pray for one another’s highs and lows, for your family, and for the world. Simply talk to God, thank Jesus for the good, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in specific problems.  If you would like, pray for the suggested prayer concerns.

Bless one another. Have every member of your family remove their shoes and socks and feel the ground (or flooring) where you standing.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s foreheads and say “May you always remember that where you walk with God is Holy Ground”.

Character of the week: Moses

Bible Verses for the week of July 17th:
Wednesday- Exodus 3:4-5
Thursday- 1 Corinthians 3:16   
Friday- Romans 8:11   
Saturday- Matthew 10:20    
Sunday-  1 Thessalonians 5:23
Monday- Matthew 6:33
Tuesday- 2 Timothy 1:9

Keep in your prayers this week: those who are affected by fires, those who are seeking for find holy ground in their lives, disciples of God in every vocation, those who can hear the word of God clearly and those who struggle to hear it


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