Week of December 20-Joy in the Waiting

This Advent at Saint Matthew’s, we are working on finding ways to slow down and prepare for the coming of Christ.  This past week we talked about what we do while we wait.  This coming week, we are looking forward to our kids telling us the story of Jesus’ birth in their Christmas program.  As we continue to live into this “waiting time” of Advent, our prayers are with you as you spend time in your Faith 5 this week.  May your time together help your family to remember that God hears your prayers and answers them when the time is right!

Remember the Faith 5 is 5 simple steps:

1.  SHARE highs and lows of the day

2.  READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible

3.  TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows

4.  PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world

5.  BLESS one another.

Share:  As Christmas draws near, what is something you are hoping will happen this year?   Who is someone that might be having a tough Christmas that you can do something special for?  How can you find the joy of Christmas that young children have?  Who can you share the Christmas joy with this week?


Sunday-Romans 15:13

Monday-John 16:24

Tuesday-Psalm 16:9

Wednesday-Isaiah 7:14

Thursday-Isaiah 9:6

Friday-2 Corinthians 9:15

Saturday-1 John 5:11

Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you?  How does it apply to you?  To how your day has gone?

Pray:  For those who are waiting to have children, for those who have lost children, for those who long to have children, for those alone at Christmas time.

Bless: Make the sign of the cross on the forehead of the one being blessed and say… “May the God of hope fill you with peace and joy.”


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