The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Week of June 11th, 2014

This week at Saint Matthew’s, we continue our summer in the parables with the parable of the mustard seed.  The story reminds us that the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed…tiny when planted, but can grow into an amazing tree that provides for the birds of the air.   We recognize that we often long for more faith, or stronger faith.  But these texts about the mustard seed remind us that it isn’t about how much faith we have, but having faith at all than can make the difference.  Our prayers are with you as you spend time in your Faith 5 this week.  May your time together help your family to remember that all things are possible with God!

Remember the Faith 5 is 5 simple steps:
1.  SHARE highs and lows of the day
2.  READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible
3.  TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows
4.  PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world
5.  BLESS one another.

Share:  What is something that you noticed today that you almost missed?  What is a small way that God worked in your life today?

Wednesday-Matthew 17:20
Thursday-Luke 17:6
Friday-Hebrews 11:1
Saturday-Mathew 19:26
Sunday-Philippians 4:13
Monday-Matthew 6:25-34
Tuesday-Matthew 25:23

Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you?  How does it apply to you?  To how your day has gone?

Pray:  For those who feel alone, for shut-ins and hospitalized, for children and elderly, for those who feel strong, and those who feel weak, for teachers and students, for those who offer us protection and peace

Bless: If possible, have the person being blessed hold a mustard seed in their hand.  Wrap your hand around theirs and say…  “Just as this tiny seed can bear much fruit, so too can you.  Grow in God’s grace, be surrounded by God’s, love, and know that wherever you go, God goes with you.”


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