Dare to be a Disciple

Week of Sept 4, 2013



This week at Saint Matthew’s, we spent time living out the ELCA motto of “God’s Work, Our Hands”.  Last week in worship we talked about the cost of discipleship.  This week for the Faith 5, we are focusing on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  May this time spent with your family be blessed!

Remember the Faith 5 is 5 simple steps:

1.  SHARE highs and lows of the day

2.  READ and highlight a verse of Scripture in your Bible

3.  TALK about how the verse relates to your highs and lows

4.  PRAY for your highs and lows, your family and the world

5.  BLESS one another.

Share:  What was the most stressful part of your day?  What was the most relaxing?  Why?  What is one thing you did today that made you think of God?

Thursday-Deuteronomy 31:8
Friday-Romans 5:3-5
Saturday-Colossians 3:14-15
Sunday-Luke 9:23
Monday-Matthew 5:14-16
Tuesday-Ephesians 4:1-3
Wednesday-John 13:34-35

Talk: What does the daily reading mean to you?  How does it apply to you?  To how your day has gone?
Pray:  For those who face persecution for their faith, for missionaries, for Bishop Rindy and the Staff of Eastern ND Synod, for those who have a church family, and for those who long for a church family, for those who have been hurt by the church, for those who have never heard the gospel

Bless: Make the sign of the cross on one another’s foreheads and say: “May you know that God loves you and goes with you wherever you go.”


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